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Fall 2018/Winter 2019, Vol. 57:2

The Development of Ideas: Historical, Theological, and Liturgical

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Editor’s Corner
Very Rev. Thomas A. Baima, S.T.D.

Understanding the Roots of :Race” and Racism in U.S. Society
Elizabeth Y. Sung

“Agape and Eros and “The Logic of Scriptural Discourse” Toward Conceptual Clarification
Elizabeth Y. Sung

In the Sanctuary, but Not of the Sanctuary (First Talk), Cleric in the World (Second Talk)
Fr. Thomas Baima

Summer 2018, Vol. 57:1

Atheist Overreach in Science and Morality: A Theological Response

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Editor’s Corner
Very Rev. Thomas A. Baima, S.T.D.

Why Scientists Playing Amateur Anthology Fail
Christian Smith, University of Notre Dame

“How Just How “Good without God” are Atheists Justified in Being?”
Christian Smith, University of Notre Dame

Why Theologians Practicing Professional Science Succeed
Fr. John kartje

Ethics and the Need for God
Melanie Barrett

Paul, the Body and Resurrection
Maria Pascuzzi

Authors’ Page

Winter 2017, Vol. 56:2

Receiving Vatican II Theologically

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Editor’s Corner
Very Rev. Thomas A. Baima, S.T.D.

George J. Dyer “What’s Past is Prologue”
Agnes Cunningham

“Dei Verb at the Heart of Vatican II”
Msgr. Paul McPartlan

Synodality, Primacy, and the Role of Theology
Msgr. Paul McPartlan

Priesthood and the Deacon
Msgr. Paul McPartlan

Authors’ Page

Winter 2016, Vol. 55:3

An Array of Public Lectures

Editor’s Corner
Michael JK Fuller

Actuosa Participatio: Notes towards an Understanding of Active Participation in the Sacred Liturgy
Arthur Roche

Prayer as Teacher: Active Participation as Understood in the Great Texts
Arthur Roche

Active Participation in the Liturgy: Theological Foundations & Missionary Implications
Ronald Kunkel

Why Theology Needs Philosophy
Reinhard Hütter

The Development of Doctrine: The Ongoing Relevance of John Henry Newman’s Thought
Reinhard Hütter

Fall 2016, Vol. 55:2

A Theological Miscellany

Editor’s Corner
Michael JK Fuller

Faith and its Counterfeit: Newman and Aquinas on Divine Faith and Private Judgment
Reinhard Hütter

Conscience – What It is and Why It Matters: Learning a Crucial Lesson from John Henry Newman and Thomas Aquinas
Reinhard Hütter

Recovering Biblical Eschatology: An Urgent Priority for Evangelization in the 21st Century
Scott Hebden

Interior Living as a Condition for Critical Mission
James Keating

The Global Pentecostalization of Christianity and its Ethical Consequences
Andrzej Kobyliński

Spring 2016, Vol. 55:1

Exploring Evangelii Gaudium

Editor’s Corner
Michael JK Fuller

Novelty within Continuity: Exploring the Joy of the Gospel
Ronald D. Witherup

And Also Use Words: Reflections on Scripture and Liturgical Preaching in Evangelii Gaudium
John G. Lodge

Empowering Families to be Spirit-Filled Evangelizers
Christina R. Zaker

Pope Francis and Gregory the Great on the Evangelical Sermon
Brendan Lupton

Memory, Morality, and The Joy of the Gospel
Marek Duran

Ten Problems with Annulments: Must they always determine eligibility for Eucharist?
William M. Becker

Winter 2015, Vol. 54:3

American Causes

Editor’s Corner
Michael JK Fuller

Servant of God Augustus Tolton: Introduction

Report for the Historical Commission for the Cause of Fr. Augustus Tolton
Martin Zielinski

Report for the Theological Commission for the Cause of Fr. Augustus Tolton
Lawrence Hennessey

What Should be Important in Our Lives Today? The Venerable Samuel Mazzuchelli, O.P.
Mary Paynter

A Dead Man Stepped off a Plane at New York: The Amazing Case of Fr. Walter Ciszek, S.J.
Seth A. Brown

The Mystery of a Singular Grace: The Ecstasies of Cora Evens
Michael McDevitt

Adele Brise: A Student in the School of Our Lady
Edward Looney

Flannery O’Connor, Pope Francis, Gays & Lesbians
Damian J. Ference

Fall 2015, Vol. 54:2

Forming Intentional Disciples

Editor’s Corner
Michael JK Fuller

Discipleship: The Key to Fruitfulness
Sherry Weddell

Where’s the Fruit?
Sherry Weddell

Loving Christ, Learning Christ, Living Christ: Becoming Modern Disciples
Kate Wiskus

perfectus Christianus est, cui Christianitas sufficit ad salute: Reflections from History on Forming Intentional Disciples
Paul Hilliard

The Role of Parables in the Spiritual Life
Michael JK Fuller

Spring 2015, Vol. 54:1

In Memoriam Edward T. Oakes, SJ

Editor’s Corner
Michael JK Fuller

In Memoriam Edward T. Oakes, SJ
Thomas A. Baima

The Paradox of Infinity: On the Poetic Orthodoxy of Edward T. Oakes, S.J.
Peter J. Casarella

“A Critic Who Listens”: Edward T. Oakes as Humanist
David Paul Deavel

Discovering Theology as Grace: Remarks on Edward T. Oakes, S.J.’s Infinity Dwindled to Infancy
Keith Johnson

The Heart of a Deacon
James Keating

Prayerful Companions: Preparing Couples for the Sacrament of Matrimony
Christopher J. Stravitsch

Winter 2014, Vol. 53:3

A Look at American Catholic Generations

Editor’s Corner
Michael JK Fuller

A Portrait of American Catholics: Who Are We?
Martin A. Zielinski

Preaching Across Generations: A Strategic Consideration of Age Cohorts in Homiletic Ministry
Edward Foley

Communicating in a World of Landlines, iPhones, and Tweets: Preaching Across Generations
Andrew Carl Wisdom

Young Adult Catholics – A Perspective
Patrick Marshall

The Word of the Lord and Catholic Young Adults
John Kartje

Diagnosing the Eschatological Angst of Millennial Catholics & Beyond: Glimpses of a Hopeful Future
John Slovikovski

Summer 2014, Vol. 53:2

Insights for the West from Eastern Christianity

Editor’s Corner
Michael JK Fuller

Light of the East: Insights for the West from the East
Gabriel Quicke

Liturgy at the Center of Academic Life: Glimmers of Light from a Sometimes Benighted East
Peter Galadza

Mary: The New Eve – Theotokos
Nicholas Samra

The Mariological Writings of Cardinal Newman and Paul VI’s Proclamation of Our Lady as Mater Ecclesiae
James Presta

Celibacy as Witness to the Power of the Resurrection: A Theological Exploration
Scott Hebden

Spring 2014, Vol. 53:1

The Ministry of the Bishop in the 21st Century

Editor’s Corner
Michael JK Fuller

The Francis Factor:  Bishops, Theologians, and the Intellectual Tasks of Evangelization
Patrick Flanagan

Bring Christ’s Message to the Periphery
Gerald F. Kicanas

The Diocesan Bishop, The Episcopal Conference and Communio
David J. Malloy

Reframing the Twenty-First Century Papacy: John the Baptist as a Model for Petrine Ministry
John J. Slovikovski

Theology as Thinking in Prayer
James Keating

Redefining la Quinceañera: A Vital Tool for the New Evangelization
Gus Puleo

Winter 2013, Vol. 52:3
Summer 2013, Vol. 52:2
Spring 2013, Vol. 52:1

Winter 2012, Vol. 51:3
Summer 2012, Vol.51:2
Spring 2012, Vol.51:1

Fall/ Winter 2011, Vol. 50:3
Summer 2011, Vol. 50:2
Spring 2011, Vol. 50:1

Fall/Winter 2010, Vol. 49:3
Summer 2010, Vol. 49:2
Spring 2010, Vol. 49:1

Fall/Winter 2009, Vol. 48:3
Summer 2009, Vol. 48:2
Spring 2009, Vol. 48:1 

Fall/Winter 2008, Vol. 47:3
Summer 2008, Vol. 47:2
Spring 2008, Vol. 47:1

Fall/Winter 2007, Vol. 46:3
Summer 2007, Vol. 46:2            
Spring 2007, Vol. 46:1               

Fall/Winter 2006, Vol. 45:3     
Summer 2006, Vol. 45:2
Spring 2006, Vol. 45:1

Fall/Winter 2005, Vol. 44:3
Summer 2005, Vol. 44:2
Spring 2005, Vol. 44:1

Fall/Winter 2004, Vol 43:3
Summer 2004, Vol. 43:2        
Spring 2004, Vol. 43:1               

Fall/ Winter 2003, Vol. 42:3
Summer 2003, Vol. 42:2
Spring 2003, vol. 42:1

Fall 1980, Vol. 19:3
Summer 1980, Vol. 19:2
Spring 1980, Vol. 19:1

Fall 1979, Vol. 18:3
Summer 1979, Vol. 18:2
Spring 1979, Vol. 18:1

Fall 1978, Vol. 17:3
Summer 1978, Vol. 17:2
Spring 1978, Vol. 17:1

Summer 1976, Vol. 15:2

Matrimonial Legislation: Old and New
Donald J. Fruge

The Historical Meaning of Humanae Vitae Controversy
Norbert Rigali, S.J.

Finding A Continuing Meaning to Life
Agnes Cunningham, SSCM

A Theology of Conscience
Timothy E. O’Connell

Personal Transformation Through the Communication of The Christ-Self
John Navone, S.J.

New Rite of Reconciliation in American Culture
Edward K. Braxton

Christian Values and Public Policy: A Proposal
Paul J. Weber, S.J.
Kent A. Kirwan

The Common Covenant: Catholic Theology and American CML Religion
George S. Weigel, Jr.


Fall 1976, Vol. 15:3

Patrick W. Collins

The Role of Canon Law Today
Francis G. Morrisey, O.M.I.

Rights in Church
Adam J. Maida

Structuring the Community
James H. Provost

Marriage Law
John T. Finnegan

James A. Coriden

Richard A. Hill

Ecumenical Guidelines
John E. Lynch

The Sacraments of the Church
Frederick McManus



Fall 1974, Vol. 13:3

George J. Dyer

The Moral Law
John F. Dedek

Personal Conscience
Richard A. McCormick, S.J.

Faith, Hope and Love
Norbert Rigali

Religion and Piety
Cornelius J. Van der Poel

Human Life
Charles E. Curran

Human Sexuality
Bernard Haring, C.SS.R.

Justice and Truth
Joseph V. Farraher, S.J.

The Just Society
J. Bryan Hehir

Moral Education
Thomas F. Sullivan



Fall 1973, Vol. 12:3

Avery Dulles, S.J.

Richard P. McBrien

John H. Wright, S.J.

Creation and Fall
George J. Dyer

Charles R. Meyer

Monika K. Hellwig

Eamon R. Carroll, O.Carm.

Gregory Baum

Jared Wicks, S.J.



Spring 1972, Vol. 11:1

The Other World
Charles R. Meyer

Remaking Man
John F. Dedek

Baptism in the Holy Spirit: A Review Article
Daniel J. Harrington, S.J.

Theological Developments of the Lutheran-Catholic Dialogue
Joseph Sittler

Christian Conscience and Laws of the Church
John O’Callaghan, S.J.

Mariology Post-Vatican II
Ernest Lussier, S.S.S.

The Search for Christian Moral Norms
Timothy E. O’Connell

The Priesthood as a Religious Event
Michael J. Buckley, S.J.


Spring 1969, Vol. 8:1

Renewing the Sacraments (2)
Edmund Siedlecki

The Open Church
Avery Dulles, S.J.

Youth and the “Faith Crisis” Among Seminarians
George J. Dyer

Moral Theology: Old and New
Norbert J. Rigali, S.J.

A New Theology
Charles R. Meyer

Karl Rahner’s Theology of the Spiritual Life
John Carmody, S.J.

The Church and the Sick
Nathan Kollar, O.Carm.

Association of Chicago Priests
Richard Philbrick


Spring 1965, Vol. 4:1

The Liturgy in the Modern World
Christopher Kiesling, O.P.

The Catholic Church and the Negro Community
Anthony J. Vader

Birth Control in Illinois: A Study in Church-State Relations
John A. Rohr, S.J.

New Horizons in Canon Law
James C. McDonald & James E. Biechler

Sacramentality: Its Biblical Background
Barnabas M. Ahern, C.P.

Supernatural Existentialism
Thomas J. Motherway, S.J.

The Seminary and the Dialogue
George J. Dyer

Gerard P. Weber

Summer 1965, Vol. 4:2

A Seminary Jubilee
John Tracy Ellis

The Church of the Poor
Jean Daniélou, S.J.

Theology In An Age Of Christian Renewal
Hugh McElwain, O.S.M.

Satre, Aquinas, And The Lemmings
Raymond J. Nogar, O.P.

A Changing Parish
Gerard P. Weber

A Report On Pastoral Counselor Training
Paschal B. Baute, O.S.B.

Sin And The Destruction Of Community
Donald P. Gray

A Great Turning Point
John E. Eichelman

The Spirit Said “Go”
Daniel J. Mallette

Fall 1965, Vol. 4:3

Doctrine: Growth or Betrayal
George J. Dyer

The Priest and Community Organization: A Dissent
Robert A. Reicher

The Dynamism of Christian Life
Bernard Haring, C.SS.R.

The Priest and the Press
Vincent A. Yzermans

Ordained Women In The Early Church
Charles R. Meyer

The Church’s Institution Of Liturgy
Christopher Kiesling, O.P.

Parish Summer Institute
William A. Schumacher

An Australian Experiment
John Doenau, S.J.


Fall 1963, Vol. 2:2

Thomas F. Sullivan

Secretarius Facultatis Theologica
William A. Schumacher

The Unbaptized Infant in Eternity
George J. Dyer

Pefection in Marriage
Thomas J. Murphy

An Excursion in Theological Methodology
John F. Dedek

Satisfaction for Sin
William G. Topmoeller, S.J.

Sorrow that Sanctifies
Charles R. Meyer

A Million More Catholics
Michael E. Schiltz

Fall 1962, Vol. 1:2

Adam and the Theologians
Thomas J. Motherway, S.J.

Liturgists and the Modernized Mass
Edmund J. Siedlecki

The Christ We Worship
Carl J. Moell, S.J.

Pastoral Apologetics and Modern Exegesis
John L. McKenzie, S.J.

Governmental Aid to Religion: A New Premise
Thomas B. McDonough

New Trends in the Ecumenical Movement
William G. Topmoeller, S.J.

Demographic Revolution: Its Social and Moral Implications
William J. Gibbons, S.J. and Thomas M. Burch

Should New Parishes be Subsidized?
Maurice W. Foley

To Know His People
Harry C. Koenig

The Lonely Man
James M. Graham

Let Christ Speak
JDonald D. Duggan
