Summer 2010 Vol. 49:2
Summer 2010, Vol. 49:2
Sacrosanctum Concilium and Liturgical Reform after Vatican II The 2010 Albert Cardinal Meyer Lecture Series
Editor’s Corner
Lawrence R. Hennessey
Evaluating Sacrosanctum Concilium: Context, Text, Unfinished Business
Kevin W. Irwin
Implementing Sacrosanctum Concilium: Undertaken and Unfinished
Kevin W. Irwin
Response to Msgr. Kevin Irwin I
Ronald T. Kunkel
Response to Msgr. Kevin Irwin II
Douglas Martis
A Paluch Triptych:
Orthodox Ecclesiology and Ecumenical Practice
Philip Timko, O.S.B.
Medieval Ecclesiology: From Body of Christ to Hierarchical Institution
Philip Timko, O.S. B.
The Background and Rationale for the Liturgy of the Hours
Philip Timko, O.S.B.
What I’ve Learned about Administration
Raymond Baumhart, S.J.