Winter 2011 Vol. 50:3
Winter 2011, Vol. 50:3
The Bible and the Liturgy: A Richer Share in the Word of God

Editor’s Corner
Lawrence R. Hennessey
“A Richer Share in God’s Word”: The Biblical Vision of Sacrosanctum Concilium and Its Implementation in the Post-Conciliar Liturgical Reform
Ronald Kunkel
A Richer Share in the Word of God: The Biblical Narrative of the Mass
Douglas Martis
God Among the Gods: Some Thoughts on Psalm 115 in Israel’s Worship
Robert Schoenstene
All My Being Praise the Lord: Bodies, Minds, and Hearts at Prayer in Scripture and Practice
Mary Katharine Deeley
When Local Preaching Becomes Universal: Protecting the Gospels from Anti-Judaism
George M. Smiga
Liturgical Preaching: Focus on the Lectionary
Dianne Bergant, C.S.A.
The Feast of Easter: Luke Chapter 24
John Kilgallen, S.J.