
Summer 2007 Vol. 46:2

Can You Tell Me What A Parish Is? Legal, Canonical, Pastoral, and Theological Contributions Toward a Response, Part II

Editor’s Corner
Lawrence R. Hennessey

Bonds of Communion among Parishes and among Pastors
Robert Christian, O.P.

Bonds of Communion among Parishes and among Pastors:
A Response to Robert Christian, O.P.
Ron Lewinski

Trinity and the Parish: Some Insights from the Theology of Yves Congar, O.P.
Anthony Oelrich

The Parish and the Apostolic Formation of the Laity
Sherry Weddell

Yes, It’s Possible: An Autobiographical Response to Sherry Weddell
Mark Shea

Liturgy and Social Justice: Recovering the Prophetic Vision
Scott Hebden

The Themes of the Passion

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