Welcome to the Public Safety Department
The University of Saint Mary of the Lake (USML) Public Safety Department, guided by ethical, legal, and professional standards strives to maintain a peaceful and safe environment for students, faculty, staff, visitors and neighbors, and to protect university property.
As a Catholic institution, USML is committed to providing an environment that fosters respect for the dignity of the individual, balanced by attention to the safety of a community where members come to live, work, and study. Further, recognizing its responsibility to the larger community, The USML strives to create and maintain a dynamic atmosphere that is diverse, safe, and secure.
The mission for every member of this Department is to affirmatively promote and provide quality services to the community. This mission is a commitment to quality performance from all members of this Department. This mission provides the foundation upon which all operational decisions and organizational directives will be based. Directives include rules, regulations, policies, operating procedures, and practices.
All members are expected to work consistently in a quality manner in the daily performance of their duties, job responsibilities and work tasks associated with this mission. Members pledge to support the Constitution of the United States, the laws of the State of Illinois, the rules and regulations of the University of Saint Mary of the Lake and the Department of Public Safety.
We promote and maintain a safe and secure work and learning environment in which the university’s educational goals can be successful. Our relationship with the university family is intended to foster mutual trust and to encourage all members to make security a priority and to personally share responsibility for reducing opportunities for criminal activities. We strive to attain the highest level of ethics and professionalism in conducting our mission.
What we do:
- Monitor all entries and exits to all campus buildings via door alarms and cameras for personnel and property entering and leaving the building. Ensure only authorized individuals enter the campus, to provide a safe environment for all university members.
- Monitor all parking areas and enforce proper parking as well as confirm vehicles are registered to USML faculty, staff, and/or students.
- Monitor building perimeters and interiors for any safety concerns or violations.
- Escort (upon request) staff and students to their vehicles, after hours.
- First response to any incidents occurring on USML property.
- Coordinate with local law enforcement and/or fire department on emergency issues occurring on campus.
- Issue all I.D. cards and maintain a database of all I.D. cards. And issue access permissions to authorized personnel in various areas.
- Maintain all access control systems including card readers, door alarms, and CCTV equipment.
- Responsible for all keys and locks throughout the university, including rooms, mailboxes, lockers, filing cabinets, and desks and keep a secured copy of all keys for duplication and issuance to authorized personnel.
- Investigate and make reports on all incidents and report all crime statistics yearly to the federal government.