
Mundelein Seminary
Welcome to the website of the Office of Admissions of Mundelein Seminary. This site is designed to assist men appointed by their bishops to attend Mundelein with the admissions process details.
If you are a non-seminarian interested in our graduate degree programs, please visit the Office of Academic Affairs.
I am happy to work with you throughout the admissions process. If you have any questions at any time, please contact me.
Click the link below to view a brochure on life at Mundelein Seminary for a better perspective on this great seminary.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Rev. Francis Bitterman
Vice-Rector/Director of Formation
Phone: 847-970-4951
Email: fbitterman@usml.edu

School of Parish Leadership & Evangelization
The post-graduate certificate in the Ministry of the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises is designed for advanced students who already have significant formation in both theological studies and spiritual direction. Admission to the program requires the following:
- A master’s degree in theology or its equivalent;
- A Certificate in Christian Spiritual Direction or in-depth mentoring in Christian Spiritual Direction.
- Additionally, Doctor of Ministry students will need to meet the program’s prerequisites, which requires a Master of Divinity or Master of Theology degree.
For more information about this program and whether it is a good fit for you, please email admissions@usml.edu or call (847) 970-4924.
University of Saint Mary of the Lake Admissions
Seminary Contact:
Rev. Francis Bitterman
Vice-Rector/Director of Formation
Phone: 847-970-4951
Email: fbitterman@usml.edu
SPLE Contact:
Ana Aguilar
Phone: 847-970-4924
Email: aaguilar@usml.edu