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Human Formation

The basic principle of human formation is that the human personality of the priest is to be a bridge and not an obstacle for others in their meeting with Jesus Christ the Redeemer of the human race….Human formation is the “necessary foundation” of priestly formation. (PPF, #75)

The basic principle of spiritual formation is to live in intimate and unceasing union with God the Father through his Son, Jesus Christ, in the Holy Spirit. This is the foundational call to discipleship and conversion of heart. (PPF, #107)

Spiritual Direction

Spiritual directors: These priests, functioning in the internal forum, also play a role in the human formation of seminarians.  When they engage in the dialogue of spiritual direction with seminarians, they can be of great assistance in cultivating those virtues of self-reflection and self-discipline that are foundational for human development. (PPF, #80)

Psychological counseling: On occasion, consultation with a psychologist or other licensed mental health professional can be a useful instrument of human formation. Some patterns of behavior, for example, which became set in the candidate’s early family history, may impede his relational abilities. Understanding one’s psychological history and developing strategies to address elements of negative impact can be very helpful in human formation. (PPF, #80)

Intellectual Formation

The basic principle of intellectual formation for priesthood candidates is “For the salvation of their brothers and sisters, they should seek an ever deeper knowledge of the divine mysteries.” Disciples are learners. (PPF, #137)

Pastoral Formation

The basic principle of pastoral formation is to make them “true shepherds of souls after the example of our Lord Jesus Christ, teacher, priest, and shepherd.” To be a true “shepherd of souls” means standing with and for Christ in the community, the Christ who teaches and sanctifies and guides or leads the community. (PPF, #238)

Field Education
Mission Trip
Tohono O’odham trip
CRS trip