Summer 2011 Vol. 50:2
Summer 2011, Vol. 50:2
The Reception of Lumen Gentium The Constitution on the Church
Editor’s Corner
Lawrence R. Hennessey
Lumen Gentium – the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church
Felix Machado
Becoming an Authentic Local Church? The Ecclesiology of Communion
Felix Machado
The Renewal of Minds: Romans 9-11 and the Inculturation of Jews and Gentiles
John G. Lodge
The Mariology of Lumen Gentium
James Presta
Chicago Studies at Fifty
George Dyer
The Bible and Immigration
James McIhone
Communicating the Gospel in the 21st Century: Promoting Social Communication and Responding to Emerging Communication Trends and Social Media
Christopher Kerzich
A Modest Proposal – A Reply to Diaconal Categories and Clerical Celibacy
Peery Duderstadt
Contending with Disillusion in Disillusioning Times: A Meditation
Eugene Hemrick