Winter 2006 Vol. 45:3
Winter 2006, Vol. 45:3
Joseph Cardinal Bernardin: A Commemoration
Editor’s Corner
Lawrence R. Hennessey
It Takes Big Shoulders . . .
Kenneth Velo
Toward a Theology of the City: A Catholic Perspective
Daniel Di Domizio
My Church Home:
A Pastor’s Reflection on the African-American Parish Community
Thomas Kaminski
The Common Ground Initiative: A Historical Perspective
Martin A. Zielinski
Spiritual Formation for the Deacon and Deacon Directors
James Keating
Before God and the Church: Parish-Based Preparation for the Wedding Liturgy
Marc J. DelMonico
The Chester and Margaret Paluch Lecture: Fall 2005
The Immaculate Conception of Mary in the Greek Fathers and an Ecumenical Context
Manfred Hauke