Winter 2003 Vol. 42:3
Winter 2003, Vol. 42:3
Native American Catholic Experience
Editor’s Corner
Leo D. Lefebure
The Native American Catholic Experience: An Interpretation
Carl Starkoff, SJ
American Indian Women and the Power of Myth
Marie Iherese Archambault
Principles of lnculturation and the Practice of Catholicism among the Lakota people of South Dakota
Raymond Bucko, SJ, and John Hatcher, SJ
Conditions in the Exile: Sorne Reflections on the Urban Experience of Native American Catholics
V. Paul Ojibway, SA
Sorne Philosophical Windows on Native American Spiritualities
Judith M. Green
Creation, Emergence, Flute Clan Origin and Powamu: Four Excerpts from What They Have Told Us
Stephen Lefebure
Islam and Modernity
Leo D. Lefebure
Understanding Two Parables about Prayer (Luke 11:5-8; 18:1-8)
John J. Kilgallen, SJ