Spring 2005 Vol. 44:1
Spring 2005, Vol. 44:1
The Catholic Parish: Pastoral and Theological Perspectives
Editor’s Corner
Lawrence R. Hennessey
The Parish as Gift
Antone J. Lynch
The Parish as the Community Who Remembers the Poor
Scott Hebdan
Listen to What the Spirit is Saying to the Churches (Rev 3:22) Some Reflections on Parishes as Communities of Hope in a Time of Crisis
Thomas P. Sweetser, S.J.
The Parish as a Community of Adult Faith Formation
Catherine Sims
Can We Believe What We Hear in the Parish Liturgy?
Charles R. Meyer
Integration of Meditation and Relaxation Strategies into Parish Life
Karl Kirkland
The Second Vatican Council: Forty Years Later
An Introduction to the Thought of Vatican II
John Francis Kobler, CP