Summer 2009 Vol. 48.2
Summer 2009, Vol. 48:2
The 2009 Albert Cardinal Meyer Lecture Series: Approaching Vatican II through Albert Cardinal Meyer
Editor’s Corner
Lawrence R. Hennessey
Albert Cardinal Meyer: Preparation for Greatness
Steven M. Avella
The Crucible of Chicago Catholicism: Albert Meyer Prepares for Vatican II
Steven M. Avella
Cardinal Meyer as Exegete: A Response to Father Steven M. Avella
Peter Damian Akpunonu
Cardinal Meyer among His American Peers: A Response to Father Steven M. Avella
Martin A. Zielinski
The Challenges of an African Christian Theology of Hope and Solidarity
Jean-Marie Hyacingthe Quenum, S.J.
The Church and Sickness:
Reflections on the Messages of Pope John Paul II for the World Day for the Sick (1993-2005)
Nicodemus T. Makhalemele, O.M.I.
Dei Verbum: Catholicism and the Necessity of Revelation
Thomas G. Weinandy, O.F.M., Cap.
John Kilgallen, S.J.