The Vatican accredits USML’s online and hybrid Licentiate in Sacred Theology degree.
The Vatican accredits USML’s online and hybrid Licentiate in Sacred Theology degree. The Vatican’s Congregation for Catholic Education recently accredited the University of St. Mary…

Telemundo-Chicago highlights the Mundelein Seminary!
Telemundo-Chicago highlights the Mundelein Seminary!

Leadership Announcement
University of Saint Mary of the LakeLeadership Announcement Rev John Kartje, Ph.D., President/Rector of the University of Saint Mary of the Lake, announced today that…

Christmas Concert Kicks off Advent with Musical Reflections
More than 500 people joined the choirs of Mundelein Seminary for an afternoon of musical reflection in the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception on December…

Queen of All Saints Music Room Dedication
Throughout the years, Monsignor John Pollard and the parishioners of Queen of All Saints Basilica in Chicago have generously donated to Mundelein Seminary to support of…