Rector Reflections

National Eucharistic Pilgrimage

University of Saint Mary of the Lake 1000 E. Maple Ave, Mundelein, IL, United States

Join us on Wednesday, June 26 for the celebration of Mass at the University of Saint Mary of the Lake/Mundelein Seminary along with Adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and a Eucharistic Procession around the campus.

Alumni Golf Outing

Pine Meadow Golf Club 1 Pine Meadow Lane, Mundelein, IL, United States

This is an invitation only event for Priest alumni of the University of Saint Mary of the Lake, Mundelein Seminary. Calling all alumni priests of the University of Saint Mary of the Lake! Tee off for a day of camaraderie and golf at our exclusive alumni outing. Join us for a memorable day on the...

La Eucaristía nos llama a una Misión

St. Genevieve y Estanislao 4835 W. Altgeld St., Chicago, IL, United States

Serie de talleres Armonía en Acción: La Eucaristía nos llama a una Misión Debido a conflictos de programación, este evento ha sido cancelado. Pedimos disculpas por las molestias.

Eucharist and Mission

St. Genevieve and Stanislaus 4835 W. Altgeld St., Chicago, IL, United States

Harmony In Action workshop series: Eucharist and Mission. Due to scheduling conflicts this event has been cancelled. We apologize for the inconvenience. Are you passionate about serving your parish community and making a positive impact? We invite you to attend free workshops in our Harmony in Action series. Each morning in the series will include...

School of Parish Leadership and Evangelization Online Information Event


If you are curious about our certificates or graduate degree programs, or if you are discerning a possible call to diaconal ministry, join us virtually to learn how our programs are designed to help adult learners, including lay leaders, grow in faith, prepare for ministerial careers, provide leadership for offices of worship, and advance the field of ministerial leadership.

Escuela de Liderazgo para la Evangelización Online Information Event


Si tiene curiosidad acerca de nuestros certificados o programas de posgrado, o si está discerniendo un posible llamado al ministerio diaconal, únase a nosotros virtualmente para aprender cómo nuestros programas están diseñados para ayudar a los estudiantes adultos, incluidos los líderes laicos, a crecer en la fe, prepararse para carreras ministeriales, proporcionar liderazgo para oficios de culto y avanzar en el campo del liderazgo ministerial.

Exploring the Deaconate


All men and their wives are invited to the last Exploring the Diaconate informational meeting at 7:30 PM on August 7th before the application deadline in mid-August. Co-sponsored by the Deacon Formation Programs of the University of Saint Mary of the Lake and the Office of the Permanent Diaconate, this online meeting will include information about the ministry of the deacon and explain...

SPLE/ELE Welcome Day (Día de bienvenida)

University of Saint Mary of the Lake 1000 E. Maple Ave, Mundelein, IL, United States

On behalf of the School of Parish Leadership and Evangelization/Escuela De Liderazgo para la Evangelización, we are pleased to invite enrolled students to come and celebrate Welcome Day with us on August 25, 2024. (En nombre de la Escuela de Liderazgo Parroquial y Evangelización/School of Parish Leadership and Evangelization/Escuela de Liderazgo para la Evangelización, nos...

Rector’s Classic

Pine Meadow Golf Club 1 Pine Meadow Lane, Mundelein, IL, United States

Tee Up For A Brighter Future Join us for a day of unparalleled golf, friendship, and philanthropy at Mundelein Seminary’s annual Rector’s Classic golf outing. Join us for a day of unparalleled golf, friendship, and philanthropy at Mundelein Seminary’s annual Rector’s Classic golf outing. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting to master your...

Rector’s Mass and Brunch

University of Saint Mary of the Lake 1000 E. Maple Ave, Mundelein, IL, United States

Celebrate Mass, followed by a light brunch with Very Reverend John Kartje, Rector of Mundelein Seminary Celebrate tradition, faith, and community at the annual Rector's Mass and Brunch, hosted by the University of Saint Mary of the Lake, Mundelein Seminary. Join us as we gather in reverence and gratitude for another year of growth, learning,...

Paluch Lecture

University of Saint Mary of the Lake 1000 E. Maple Ave, Mundelein, IL, United States

Join us on October 24 at 7:00pm for our annual Paluch Lecture. Dr. Harold Horell will present “Synodality and its Discontents”. This presentation will review how the Church has relied on synodal gatherings to discern the guidance of the Spirit from the Council of Jerusalem, as discussed in Acts of the Apostles, chapter 15, through...

Rerum Novarum

Seminary Salutes to Labor, Business, and Government Begun in 1991, the Seminary Salutes to Labor, Business, and Government event was created for  St. Joseph College Seminary’s to support the formation of college men discerning the priesthood.  The event honors lay men and women who are examples of Catholic Social Teaching in action, especially in the...

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