
Eucharist and Mission

Are you passionate about serving your parish community and making a positive impact?

We invite you to attend free workshops in our Harmony in Action series.

Each morning in the series will include an interactive session where you will get a sample of our academic style, formation days and more information about all of our parish programs.

Together, accompaniment, Synodality and Eucharist form a triptych of grace, inviting us into deeper communion with one another. As we journey together, allow these three principles inspire us, and draw us closer to the heart of Christ.

Discussion on how the Eucharist empowers us for mission and service in the world. Exploration of ways to share the richness of the Eucharist faith with others.

4835 W. Altgeld St., Chicago, IL

RSVP to rcastillon@usml.edu with your name,  parish, phone number, email address and which workshop (s) you will be attending if you are interested in coming to find out more about our amazing Parish Ministry Programs. 

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