Spring 2015 Vol. 54:1
In Memoriam Edward T. Oakes, SJ
In Memoriam Edward T. Oakes, SJ
A Look at American Catholic Generations
Insights for the West from Eastern Christianity
The Ministry of the Bishop in the 21st Century
Hard Sayings of the Bible
Living the Universal Call to Holiness
Where is the New Evangelization?
The Radically of Christian Hope: Theological and Biblical Perspectives
The Bible and the Liturgy: A Richer Share in the Word of God
The Reception of Lumen Gentium
The Constitution on the Church
In the Public Square: Catholics and Muslims on Religious Freedom and the Nature of the Human Person
The Bible and the Human Person, with Special Reference to the Declaration Dignitatis Humanae
Sacrosanctum Concilium and Liturgical Reform after Vatican II
The 2010 Albert Cardinal Meyer Lecture Series
Gaudium et Spes and the Biblical Roots of Social Justice
Liturgy, Justice, and Social Reconstruction