Music at Mundelein


At Mundelein Seminary, we value music in liturgy and the arts, and train future priests to chant the ministerial parts of the Mass. Through participation in various choirs, one-on-one vocal training, singing from numerous hymnals, and exposure to an extensive sacred music library, these men build confidence in their ability to lead liturgy.

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An appreciation for the global church and its diversity of gifts is engendered when the community celebrates Mass and sings in multiple languages.  Choirs sing music stemming from a multitude of ethnic and cultural backgrounds—including Polish, Hispanic, African and Asian— and the entire worship community is encouraged to participate.

By selecting and preparing music for liturgies on campus, seminarians develop the skill of harmonizing the overarching theological principles pertaining to the liturgy with the concrete needs and capabilities of a particular parish community.

In the entirety of the music program—which encompasses both the intellectual dimension of engaging music in a classroom setting, and the pastoral dimension of collaborating with clergy and musicians to prepare a liturgy—our future parish priests develop the virtues required for effective leadership in ministry: prudence, patience, courage, and perseverance.

In this foundational music course, the fundamentals of vocal training as applied to liturgical singing is taught. The course concentrates on the beginner voice. It focuses on vocal production and technique, breath control, pitch-matching skills, sight-singing skills, and unison singing in a pleasant voice. The basics of music theory is also taught. By taking a pastoral approach, and through class discussion, shared reading, practical application, and participation in the vocal ensemble, all will contribute to the appreciation of sacred music in Catholic liturgy by the class participants. There will also be a spirited review of Sing to the Lord: Music in Divine Worship (2007)

This course is for an ensemble of male singers with choral experience and vocal experience (TTBB). It is designed to explore more advanced styles of singing the chant and choral music of Catholic worship through consistent rehearsal and participation in the liturgical and special events of the seminary. We will be singing music from the extensive choral and historic music library collection of Mundelein Seminary as well as using many available resources.

This course is for an ensemble of singers that are interested in expanding their Spanish repertoire for use in bilingual liturgies. Through consistent rehearsal and participation by singing in the choir during the weekly Spanish liturgies, a deeper awareness and understanding of the challenges of integrating Hispanic music will be explored. This course will also assist future priests in making sound liturgical, musical and pastoral decisions within their future Hispanic ministry in their respective dioceses.

Mundelein Psalter Psalm Tones

Broadcast Concerts


Reverend Richard J. Wojcik Memorial Lunchtime Concert

Cantores Lucas Unveils ‘Songs of the Prophets’


Sounds of the Season Christmas Concert

Music Archives

Listen to the various choirs and musicians on campus

Meet our Faculty

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In their Words

Simon Stehr
Archdiocese of Seattle 

“Playing pipe organ and singing are continual sources of delight and wonder for me. I look forward to sharing this gift with others for years to come, especially as I have opportunities to promote sacred music for the greater glory of God and sanctification of the faithful.” 

Joshua Krischel
Archdiocese of Dubuque

“Since beginning service to the community as a Cantor the Psalms have unraveled the beauty of God’s Word. I see the emotion and movement of the Psalmist’s heart in a new and spiritually nourishing way.” 

Caleb Kuestersteffen
Diocese of Wichita

“The music program here has enhanced my own confidence in front of a congregation. Further, it has brought me closer the my brother seminarians joining our voices as one in common prayer and worship. Together we help set the tone for our daily liturgies adding dignity, solemnity, and beauty. ”