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Request a Purchase for Students and Faculty

USML Students and Faculty are welcome and encouraged to request items for the library to purchase. Library materials such as books, eBooks, and other media can be requested to support your coursework and academic studies and/or to enhance the library’s collection. You may submit your requests in any of the following ways:.

  • Complete and submit the online Purchase Request form.
  • Send an email directly to Samantha Seay, Library Director, at sseay@usml.edu. Please include a link to the resource you are requesting or provide as much bibliographic information as possible.
  • You are also welcome to submit requests to the Library Director by any other preferred means. 

Upon submitting a request, you will be notified once the item is purchased and has become available for library checkout..

** Requests for academic journals and databases are also invited. However, as these require long-term commitments, please contact the Library Director for these types of subscription requests.**

Library Request a Purchase Form

Your Information

USML Student or Faculty(Required)
Please provide your USML email address

Item Information

Preferred Format
Item Needed By: