Feehan Memorial Library and McEssy Theological Resource Center
Feehan Memorial Library and McEssy Theological Resource Center contain over 200,000 volumes with notable collections in patristics, canon law, scripture, systematic theology, and church history. Need help? 847.970.4820 or AskALibrarian@usml.edu.
Public Library Hours
Spring 2025
Monday – Friday
9:00am – 4:30pm

Search the Library Catalog
Search for books, e-books, and print and online journals.

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Requests, suggestions, and comments are always welcome. Email AskALibrarian@usml.edu for general inquiries. For Interlibrary Loan, Email RequestILL@usml.edu.

Database and
Resource Guides
Browse our databases and resource guides.

Find a Journal
Academic journals for research and interest.

Student Writing Center
The USML Writing Center serves students in all degree programs at all skill levels with research, writing, and proper style guidelines for papers.

Do I … ?
Access instructions and screencast resources that will guide you through common library processes.

Request a
If you would like the library to purchase a book for our collection, please fill out the Request a Purchase form.

Our Sacred Letters collection consists of hundreds of documents, letters, and other items of historic significance.

This Month from the Archives
From 1930 – 1966 seminarians created yearbooks with a daily log, essays, and photos that describe their experiences.

About our
The Feehan Memorial Library and the McEssy Theological Center have a rich history. Learn more.

Schedule a Visit
Schedule a group or individual tour of the library or the museum.

The USML Museum is home to the Cardinal Mundelein Collection, the Pope St. Pius X Collection, and many other pieces of art and antiquities from Catholic History.

The Diary of Bishop William Quarter
Read the diary of Chicago’s first Bishop