Stories of Support

Just like Klock Work
JUST LIKE CLOCK WORK Larry and Cheri Klock by Mary Kelly, Senior Director of Development We are grateful for our many supporters whose generosity and partnership make it possible for us to fulfill our mission to form a Church that…

Dr. Eileen Knight, Supporting Seminarians in Prayer and in Time, Talent and Treasure
Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. is a parishioner at Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago, and she also serves on its teaching parish committee that supports the seminarians assigned to each parish in the Augustus Tolton Teaching Parish Program. You recently attended…

Ed Factly – Supporting the Propagation of the Faith
Ed Factly has been a generous supporter of the University of Saint Mary of the Lake/Mundelein Seminary ever since his neighbor’s son enrolled in the seminary. He occasionally would go up to visit with his neighbors, and after that he wanted…

Jim and Mary Claus – Committed to Supporting Future Parish Priests
Jim Claus and his wife Mary have been supporters of Mundelein Seminary for many years. For National Estate Planning Awareness Week (Oct. 19-25), they have graciously shared their story with us in hopes of inspiring others to consider planning for…

Archbishop Vlazny – Committed to Supporting Future Parish Priests
Archbishop Vlazny attended St. Gall School and Quigley Preparatory Seminary. When he was in the seminary system, young men went to four years of high school at Quigley and remained at Quigley for their first year of college. They were…

Peggy and George Pandaleon – Committed to Supporting Future Parish Priests
Peggy and George Pandaleon have been supporters of Mundelein Seminary for many years. For National Estate Planning Awareness Week (Oct. 18-24), they have graciously shared their story with us in hopes of inspiring others to consider planning for the future…

Ken and Mary Fivizzani – Supporting the Global Impact of Mundelein Seminary
Ken and Mary Fivizzani have been supporters of the University of Saint Mary of the Lake/Mundelein Seminary for many years. For National Estate Planning Awareness Week (Oct. 19-25), they have graciously shared their story with us in hopes of inspiring…

Peggy and George Pandaleon
Committed to Supporting Future Parish Priests

Archbishop Vlazny
Committed to Supporting Future Parish Priests

Jim and Mary Claus
Committed to Supporting Future Parish Priests

Ed Factly
Supporting the Propagation of the Faith

Dr. Eileen Knight
Supporting Seminarians in Prayer and in Time, Talent and Treasure

Ken and Mary Fivizzani
Supporting the Global Impact of Mundelein Seminary