Role of Pastors

The pastor is a partner in the process and makes a significant contribution to the success of the Deacon Formation Program in the Archdiocese of Chicago. Although deacons are ordained for the Archdiocese, the pastor from the sponsoring parish is the diocesan representative to an applicant in the formation process leading to ordination. The demands of ministry require that the Program prepare well-formed candidates to become deacons who can stand shoulder-to-shoulder with their pastor and parish staff to effectively serve the people of God. The pastor is a key to realizing this objective.


An invitation to an individual to consider listening to God’s call to the vocation of the deacon usually comes through the pastor, even if the applicant initiates the inquiry. The pastor and parish staff should consider the impact of a new deacon in relation to the anticipated future needs of the parish.


The pastor must submit a letter endorsing and sponsoring the applicant. No applicant is accepted without a pastor’s involvement.


The pastor provides spiritual and emotional support for the applicant and his wife (if married). The parish’s financial support augments a Diocesan subsidy that pays for the program’s tuition costs.


The pastor is the applicant’s primary supervisor during his aspirant and candidate formation periods. He may delegate some of the “hands-on” supervision to an associate pastor, deacon, or staff member, but ultimately, the pastor is responsible for supervising the candidate.


A formal annual evaluation from the pastor assessing the candidate’s progress from the perspective of the pastor and parish staff is required. Monthly meetings between the candidate and the pastor are strongly recommended.


The Coordinator of the Deacon Formation Program stands before the Ordinary at ordination and attests, with moral certitude, to the candidate’s readiness for ordination. This is only possible when the pastor, as a partner with the formation staff, has seen and experienced the candidate’s readiness. The parish’s preparation for the deacon’s role and ministry is a sign of the pastor’s endorsement of the candidate and diaconal ministry.


Following ordination, another expectation of the pastor is to be welcoming. It is important that the deacon be included in the communications and activities of the parish staff to fully support the parish’s mission. The deacon should be encouraged to use his faculties fully in service to the people of God in the ministry of Word, Liturgy, and Charity.

Approximately ninety percent of candidates are married. The wives are expected to participate in many discernment aspects of the formation program. This experience is needed to support, in writing, their husband’s desire to be ordained.