Scholarship Opportunities for Mission Dioceses
Through a unique partnership, Catholic Extension and Mundelein Seminary are able to offer these scholarship opportunities to ease the financial burden of priestly formation for mission dioceses across the country.
M.Div. Scholarships
Catholic Extension is offering a matching discount, whereby each scholarship recipient will receive a $7,500 tuition contribution from Extension, and a $7,500 tuition discount from Mundelein, for a total of $15,000 per student, per year. Eligible seminarians will come from a mission diocese currently served by Catholic Extension. This $60,000 scholarship would cover approximately 30% of the current tuition, room and board, and fees of the student’s seminary education. Candidates for this program are men entering first year theology in 2023. All candidates must be accepted by Mundelein Seminary. Learn More
Francis Cardinal George, OMI STL Scholarships
The purpose of this initiative is to provide advanced education to seminarians so they can serve as theological resources, teachers and trainers in their home diocese after ordination.
Catholic Extension has partnered with Mundelein Seminary to offer scholarships to seminarians who intend to complete a Sacred Theology Licentiate (S.T.L.) at the conclusion of their seminary formation. The scholarship covers 100 percent of tuition, room and board for the four years of the student’s seminary education, as well as his fifth academic year, during which the newly ordained student completes his S.T.L. degree.
Students will be able to pursue their S.T.L. in one of these areas of concentration: Liturgy and Sacramental Theology, Christology, Doctrine of God, Theological Anthropology, and Theological Method. Candidates for this program are men entering first-year theology who are academically capable of completing the S.T.L. Learn More
Mundelein Seminary
For More Information, Contact:
Fr. Francis Bitterman
Vice-rector / Dean of Formation
Phone: 847-970-4951