Mr. Patrick J. Coleman


Patrick has served as a member of the USML Board of Advisors since 2016. Patrick is the President/CEO of Coleman Group Consulting and GiveCentral. He and his team focus on helping charities increase giving and reduce costs through methods such as mobile giving, texting and crowdfunding. GiveCentral is currently helping charities raise more than one billion dollars. Patrick has a diverse educational background in diplomacy, finance and theology with over 25 years of experience in operations leadership and strategic planning. He is a lay alumnus of the University of Saint Mary of the Lake, class of 1989, with a Baccalaureate in Sacred Theology and a Masters of Divinity. For his work with GiveCentral and the nonprofit community, Patrick was awarded the 2019 Gratiam Dei Award, which recognizes important and outstanding service to American Catholic Press, the liturgy of the Catholic Church or the common good.