Patricia Pintado-Murphy, S.T.L., Ph.D.*

Doctorate in philosophy from The Catholic University of America and a Licentiate in philosophy from the University of Navarra. Prior to joining the faculty at Mundelein Seminary, she was assistant professor of philosophy at the Pontifical College Josephinum and assistant professor of philosophy at DeSales University. As a graduate student, she also taught at the Religious Studies Department of The Catholic University of America. She was the director of a program on the New Evangelization at The Athenaeum of Ohio and was managing editor of the Josephinum Journal of Theology. Articles published on Modern Philosophy, its impact on the relation of faith and reason, its influence on theology and the nature of secularization. Her STL thesis was a translation and commentary of Ratzinger’s 1959 Bonn-lecture entitled The God of Faith and the God of the Philosophers: A Contribution to the Problem of the Theologia Naturalis. The translation is published in the summer issue of Nova et Vetera, 2024. She is also very interested in the history and experience of Hispanics in the Catholic Church in the US, teaching courses for USML’s Escuela de Liderazgo para la Evangelización, and courses in English such as Leadership from the Vision of Aparecida and The Thought of Pope Francis.
Currently working on two books: editing, together with Father Arturo Felix OFM, a book on affective maturity to be published by the Institute of Priestly Formation. And editing a book of Msgr. Lorenzo Albacete’s retreats for priests.
- Member of the Committee on Priestly Formation Board, American Catholic Philosophical Association (ACPA).
- Member of the Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the United States (ACHTUS).
- Member of Chicago Studies editorial board.
- Faculty liaison of Mundelein Seminary’s Catholic Fellowship led my seminarians of diverse cultural backgrounds.