Catechetical Leadership for Renewal

Congregational Learning Communities

School of Parish Leadership and Evangelization Lilly Grant 

The Church needs to renew itself in every age and at every moment. 

Sharing Christ

As people of faith, we are called to share the energy and life that comes from encountering Christ with others as missionary disciples. We need to find ever new ways to share this good news that comes in the form of God’s mercy. 

Renewal Initiative

The Catechetical Leadership for Renewal Initiative is a collaborative effort between the University of Saint Mary of the Lake and the Archdiocese of Chicago to enter into dialogue with our parishes and the broader community about how we can renew the ways that we hand on our faith to those who are just encountering Christ. 

Whether it is by helping those who are just encountering Christ through Alpha or the witness of a friend, or supporting parents and grandparents who are trying to hand on the faith which has been important to the next generation, or even if it is through a more structured opportunity at your church like a bible study or a small faith community, our goal is support you and others in growing in faith. 

Through the generous support of the Lilly Foundation, the School of Parish Leadership and Evangelization is beginning a process to form the next generation of leadership in the Archdiocese of Chicago and beyond to lead this renewal in handing on the faith. Our process will unfold in three major phases: Dialogue > Plan > Test.

PHASE 1: Dialogue

Community Conversation

Over the course of an academic year, the School of Parish Leadership wants to engage our community in conversation about what this renewal in handing on the faith should look like, the kind of leaders that we will need to support this renewal, and the support and training they will need to empower our communities.

Be Part of the Team

We are looking for people from all over the Chicagoland area who care about how we are handing on the faith to others. Whether you are a priest, deacon, volunteer catechist, or just a concerned parent, we would like you to consider joining us in this process.  

The dialogue will begin with a weekend retreat on the beautiful campus of the University of Saint Mary of the Lake – home to Mundelein Seminary one of the best-known Catholic seminaries in the country.  There you will meet in groups that we call Congregational Learning Communities with other interesting men and women of faith who share your concerns.  These groups will continue to meet over the course of the school year to learn from each other and share their insights with faculty from the University and leaders from the Archdiocese. 

In the second and third phases, they will draw on the insights from these discussions to develop and deliver a program to form new leaders for our Church who will be able to help others throughout the community to renew and strengthen our ability to hand on the faith. 

How can you help?

  • Consider being a member of one of our Congregational Learning Communities 
  • Let others at your parish know about this exciting development 
  • Consider making a gift to support the work of this initiative and of the School of Parish Leadership and Evangelization 
  • Pray for us
Questions and to Get Involved Contact:

Theodore (Ted) Whapham, Ph.D.
Director of the Thriving Congregations and External Relations, Associate Professor
University of Saint Mary of the Lake
School of Parish Leadership and Evangelization
Office: (847) 970-4941

  • Priests and deacons of the Archdiocese 
  • Pastoral Center and Parish Lay Staff Members 
  • Catechists, Catholic School Teachers, and others involved in formation work 
  • Anyone interested in handing on the faith to others 
  • English and Spanish